Abby's Blog

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cervical Cancer and Band Concerts!

This picture of Sunnie and I is being used for a Cervical Cancer Vaccine article written by my mom. Haha. I'll post the link of the article once published.

Last night I went to a band concert at my old high school since I have some friends who are seniors this year. I was very impressed! They did a really nice job. I decided two things:
1. I could listen to music forever and ever. There doesn't need to be words. I just love it.
2. I strongly want to hurt people who talk while I'm trying to listen to something. :-p Especially when people I love have solos and I want to hear them.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Blessings in a test!

This past week has been one of the hardest I've ever had to endure as a student. From being sick with the arrythmia fatigue/passing out and then having my wisdom teeth out I had missed 3 weeks of my Central Service Technician class. So this week was getting caught up wth everyone else week. In order to do so I had 8 chapters to read, study, memorize vocabulary, do homework on, and then be tested. Suffice to say, I had no life last week.

This was not just a matter of getting my work done. Because I had missed so much and been so far behind my teacher really thought I should drop the class and take it next semester. However this is the last semester that it is offered as only a semester class. They decided that since it is so much information and the chapters are so horridly long to turn it into 2 semesters. So it'd be super convieniant to be able to graduate the class this semester.

My goal is to get a night shift job in Kansas City next year being a Central Service Technician. It's just a fancy term for people in hospitals/clinics who sterilize/clean instruments after they've been used for surgury. If this works out I'll be able to work less hours for more money than if I were to get a job at the local McDonalds. This would be good because I'll be a full time student next year and working less hours for the better money sounds pretty good. Also with any job in healthcare it comes with those lovely benefits of health inssurance etc.

I took one test on Rules and Communications Thursday afternoon. Then went into LCC's assesment center to take a test on the Skeletal, Blood, Respiratory system, and Chemical Saftey on Friday. I was really really scared on the way to school. I didn't feel like I knew the information well enough. Praying the whole way there I finally cracked open my bible to Matthew 6... Do not worry! You of little faith!

I went into the assesment center and they said they had to close early and could not allow anymore tests to start that day. So they wrote down that I had come in to try and take my test for my teacher.

On the way home I called my teacher to tell her about what had happened in the assesment center, she then said I could just take the test the following day after class. Totally Jesus! I now had another day to study the information more throughly.

Well Saturday I was to go to class from 9a-12p, listen to a lecture on what the test will be on next week for 3 hours. Then take a test on the stuff covered the week before.

So I went to class, took the test. Towards the end of the test I began to struggle with a few questions. There were about 5-6 I just flat out didn't know. My teacher then came over and asked me if I was having any problems. She then proceded to help me figure out the 5-6 questions I didn't know. How cool is that?!?! Totally Jesus AGAIN! Then that's not even close to the end of the story.

After class I went to the assesment center to take the other test. There was a complete section with about 15 question on it I completely guess through because I did not know they'd be on the test and failed to study them as much as the other information.

I turned the test in, I had done really good on everything else except that 1 section. On the way to my car I ran into my teacher. She asked if I had finished my test and I said yes, then she asked if there were any problems. I told her about the section and she told me "wait, right there". She then went and got my test, brought it to me and then we worked through the section I guessed through together. Totally Jesus AGAIN!!! It was insane!

Test Grades are as follows:

Test #2 (Regulations, Communication) - 88% - 3.5 - B+

Test #3 (Chemical Safety, Skeletal) - 97% - 4.0 - A

Test #4 (Nervous, etc.) - 87% - 3.5 - B+

Thursday, February 22, 2007

So these last couple days I've been studying for school A LOT! Well one of our cats, sox, enjoys following us around and just starring at us while we do certain things.

Like study....

So this entry is dedicated to Sox. For just being creepy.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Wes Martin is cool.


This weekend was absolutely amazing! I got to hang out with the coolest girls and met lots of new kids. Our speaker for the weekend was Shawn Harper. He used to play professional football for the Colts. He was really cool. My favorite saying was
"What's the difference between a rock and a diamond... -Pressure"

He spoke really well and even though these events seem to be focused toward seekers.

The singers name was Keith. (Aka. KC and the Glow worm). He was crazy and goofy. So worship was a very surface based and fun.
Okay well I've ranted for a good while now so now we'll get to what you all really want.
Pictures. :-p

Here's the Olivet Baptist Youth on the lake.

Nothing's ever fun without some fireworks, right? Especially when you're setting them off on at least 5 ft of solid ice. You hoodlums.

Chris, Daniel, Me and Miranda getting ready to eat some food. :)

That's all I got really. It was a busy weekend so I was not very prone to taking pictures. :)

Friday, February 16, 2007

Weekend Fun!

Today a group of youth from our church are headed to Lael Baptist Camp for a Winter Retreat. The hills at this camp are amazing and make for excellent sledding. I am very excited.

More than ever I feel like I need a sort of vacation. Pictures to come on Sunday.

As for the fear of being severely heart broken and falling in love thing. I was right. I spent Valentines day with a clueless broken heart. Then discovered all over again what it is to love and why christians do what we do.

The hardest part of being a christian is of course practicing righteousness. But I believe now there is a severe emphasis being simply layed out for others and forgiveness. What is persecution really? My thoughts haven't really developed on this, however you can be sure I'll post once they do.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines Day!

I've included some pictures of myself in my blog today. Enjoy.
Then, I really would be okay with the idea of you guys updating your blogs once in awhile. :-p

As for an update:
My couch and I have gotten to be good friends the last few days as I have slept, and been spoiled rotten by my parents. Getting your wisdom teeth out isn't really all that bad. The pain killers are a pain because I have a feeling once I stop taking them I'm not going to have a clue as to what is going on in my life.

I'm pretty sure I've been severely heart broken and fallen in love in this 4 day time span.

Heh, we'll see...

Tomorrow Jake is having a swim meet. It's Senior night so I think it would be nice to go and support him. Then Lael is this weekend! Who is excited?!?! I am! Spring I still have your sleds.

Monday, February 12, 2007


I'm now officially wisdom tooth less as of 11 o'clock this morning. S0 Mom spoiled me a little while being sedated this afternoon with some movies.

I watched the documentry Jesus Camp. It was pretty interesting. Very radical. I'm not sure all my thoughts about it at this time. There were some parts that I really agreed with and some parts I did not like at all.

For those of you (Spring) who were interested in my thoughts about Global Warming you should porbably go to and read his blog entitled "Last One I Promise - An Experiement That Hints We Are Wrong On Climate Change".

Another recommended resourse for curious matters in the bible is:

Zach came over tonight to hang out for a bit. That made me very happy because I've been very lonely and bored recently. Thanks Zach! I appreciate it friend! :) Hopefully Alex comes tomorrow.

Hope everyones weeks are going wonderfully.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Al Pacino....

So my new favorite actor is Al Pacino. I have a wide respect for The GodFather movies now.

He's just really quite amazing. Not really sure why I think so. It could be the awesome way he talks. His Italian-ness. Who knows. But he's cool in my book and gets the best actors gold star for the week in my book.

Holy Smokes!

The Death of Jezebel

30 When Jezebel, the queen mother, heard that Jehu had come to Jezreel, she painted her eyelids and fixed her hair and sat at a window.

31 When Jehu entered the gate of the palace, she shouted at him, “Have you come in peace, you murderer? You’re just like Zimri, who murdered his master!”

32 Jehu looked up and saw her at the window and shouted, “Who is on my side?” And two or three eunuchs looked out at him.

33 “Throw her down!” Jehu yelled. So they threw her out the window, and her blood spattered against the wall and on the horses. And Jehu trampled her body under his horses’ hooves.

34 Then Jehu went into the palace and ate and drank. Afterward he said, “Someone go and bury this cursed woman, for she is the daughter of a king.”

35 But when they went out to bury her, they found only her skull, her feet, and her hands.

36 When they returned and told Jehu, he stated, “This fulfills the message from the Lord, which he spoke through his servant Elijah from Tishbe: ‘At the plot of land in Jezreel, dogs will eat Jezebel’s body.

37 Her remains will be scattered like dung on the plot of land in Jezreel, so that no one will be able to recognize her.’”

Some fun from this weekend!

Where is your blog? I've looked everywhere! You should probably comment me with it. :-p

Then thanks to everyone who has made a blogspot so far. Will even got one today.

This weekend was pretty amazing guys! Thanks to everyone who made it so. :)

Here's some pictures:

Alex and Whitney at the Prom Fashion show.

Spring and me at 5:00a

Phil and A.jay at the prom fashion show. :)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Big thanks goes out to Kristina and Spring who have made blog spots. :) You girls rock my sox and this time my shoes.

Update on health. I indeed do have arrthymia (fancy word for irregular heart beat). So I might get some new pills to take soon ish.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Goodness of the Lord.

So I'm watching the prayer room this morning. Tim and Marcus' set. Guess what song they play?! It was pretty cool, no lies. They played "I'm in love" which I got into deeply yesterday for some meditation.

But right now I want to talk about the goodness of the Lord. Specifically through the blogs of others. I have always been a blogger. Livejournal is where I first got my start. My friends and I would blog about our what we did that day, frustrations, things that make us happy.

I suppose you can say I've matured into the blogging world by getting a blog spot. However I've still got a ways to go to be as good as you WordPressers.

But throughout the OneThing blog and topic forums I have found a number of IHOP bloggers who really put out some good stuff. I now have a favorites list of "encouraging blogs" that I like to read. It's really been a blessing. Especially spiritually speaking. The problems or things God is laying on my heart have problem already been experienced a million times over by some of these bloggers. So it's a blessing to read about their meditations on it, do my own meditation on it, then be done with it. This process is done a lot quicker when I'm getting heart felt views from other people through their blogs. Even though I don't really know anyone whose blog I've been reading.

It's almost in a sense learning from your elders. Only no one is old. :-p

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Update on Health.

Monday I was supposed to go and get more blood work done to figure out if the low thyroid readings were correct. However, by the time I got home from choir and got my paper work the health office was closed.

So I planned on possibly doing it Tuesday after my clinicals for my Central Service Technician class and before going to get the Wisdom Teeth out.

Tuesday morning I woke up 7a. Spent half an hour in the prayer room. Then got ready for my clinicals. Got to the hospital at 8:20a. Changed into scrubs and went with the rest of class into the sterilization clinic of the hospital. We were standing around learning about Mayo and Metzenbalm scissors when I began getting really hot, and nautious.

Next thing I knew I woke up on the hard sterilized ground of the Sterilization clinic, blood gushing out of my mouth and a team of 30 doctors surrounding me. I hear my teacher say "She went straight down, that's all I know" then classmates say "her name is Abby, her healthcare form is in the womans locker room". I was put on a stretchure and wheeled up to the Emergency Room.

I'll tell ya, if you're gonna pass out... It's a real perk if you're right in the hospital. Most trips to the emergency room for me consist of having one test done, waiting 3 hours, then having another done until they decide I'm well enough to go home. Well I was in the E.R. maybe 45 minutes and had already had a EKG (fancy heart exam). CAT-SCAN and blood tests completed.

They also did X-Rays on my chin which has currently turned a lovely shade of purple from the impact. And I was quite famous around the E.R. as "The call from CSS (Central Service Supply)" and met a nurse named Jon B. who is Shawn Blanc's identical clone. It's quite the story to be able to tell that you bled all over the sterilization clinic of a hospital. The blood was caused from the impact knocking one of my teeth out of alignment.

After all the tests I was sent home with a Haulter Monitor (a fancy thing that monitors my heart rate). We discovered I have an irregular heartbeat which is more than likely the cause of all the fatigue and passing out. Results are due back Friday from that.

So please keep me in your prayers. Other than the annoyance of having to re-prep myself to the idea of getting the wisdom teeth out I am in no way discomforted or in any pain. This is a blessing no doubt. I feel absolutely fine. My parents have been spoiling me non-stop with good food and GodFather movies. :)

<3 Abby
God Bless!

God's heart in Songs.

"I'm in Love" by Merchant Band.

This song has been tripping me up the last couple days. The intimacy of it hits so hard on my heart. The personalization intensity of the lyrics has had my mind wrapped up for awhile now. So I went to the bible.

"You are good, I adore.
As I should, I want more."

Song of Solomon 1:4
Take me with you; come, let’s run!
The king has brought me into his bedroom.
Young Women of Jerusalem
How happy we are for you, O king. We praise your love even more than wine.
Young Woman
How right they are to adore you.

"You are kind, I bow.
All my life, I pour out."

Psalm 21:14 My life is poured out like water,
and all my bones are out of joint.
My heart is like wax,
melting within me.

"I've never known another as kind in this life, as you."

Psalm 116:5 How kind the Lord is! How good he is!
So merciful, this God of ours!

"When all the others cross the road and pass me by, but not you."

Luke 10
Parable of the Good Samaritan
30 Jesus replied with a story: “A Jewish man was traveling on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he was attacked by bandits. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him up, and left him half dead beside the road.
31 “By chance a priest came along. But when he saw the man lying there, he crossed to the other side of the road and passed him by.

32 A Temple assistant walked over and looked at him lying there, but he also passed by on the other side.
33 “Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him.

34 Going over to him, the Samaritan soothed his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him.
35 The next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins, telling him, ‘Take care of this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the next time I’m here.’
36 “Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked.
37 The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.”
Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.”

"I'm in love, from the moment that I saw your face.

2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.

"I'm in love, you never turn away your gaze"

Job 34:21 For God watches how people live; he sees everything they do.

"I'm in love, now the reason for the rest of my days is to love you. I will love you.
I'm in love with you. For all that you've done. I can't thanks you enough"

1 Chronicles 16:34 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.

Psalm 89:2 Your unfailing love will last forever.Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.

All of Psalm 136

1 Corinthians 3:18 Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!

"Because you loved me first

Ephesians 1:4 Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.

John 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us.

"You love me at my worst"

1 Timothy 1:15 This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them all.

Very good song!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunday School of life.

Not only is it a bad idea to seek revenge on those who persecute you. It's also a not so grand idea to assume that when they do something to you (or to your myspace) and then you do the same thing to them (their myspace) that they'll have the same reaction. Even if the intent was not revenge.

For instance, if someone were to do something to you and you (trying to be perfect) have a positive reaction and don't get angry. That doesn't mean that if you do the same thing to that person (not by seeking revenge, just thoughtlessly doing so) they'll have a positive reaction.

You'll probably break a few hearts, including your own.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Last weekend a bunch of friends and I got together to watch The GodFather. I really enjoyed it. So we decided to watch the 2nd GodFather this weekend.

It was set up for 3:00p Saturday afternoon at my house. Hopefully attending: Jake, Zach, Alex, and Spring.

Well I needed to go to the Family Christian book store to see if they had a movie I was going to show my Sunday School class called "Without Reservation". The bookstore didn't have it so I journeyed to the mall with my mom. We went to a store and looked around for the movie, they had a sign for it but not the actual dvd. So we went to the next movie store Suncoast and finally found it. While taking it to the check out line I opened the case and realized the disc was not in there. So we had the cashier grab another. That's when I got the call.

It was Alex, he was at my house wondering where everyone was. I looked at the time and realized it was 3:10p and I had a 20 minute drive to get home from the mall, plus I needed to stop by Family Video to pick up the second GodFather dvd. Suffice to say we rushed out the of the mall. When I got home after picking up the movie I thanked Alex for coming then called the others to see where they were. By this time it was after 4:00p and we realized slowly but surely that no one else was coming. Alex then left to complete his winterfest duties for the day before the Highschoolers had their big dance that night.

I was completely abandoned by my friends. Why would no one show up (other than Alex)? We had all planned on this movie.

Soon enough after taking a nap I was woken up by some chaos happening downstairs. I went downstairs to find a few suitcases and a bunch of hussle and bussle. My mom was the closest to me so I asked her what was going on. She replied: "I leave today for a 3 month sabatical for buisness in Indiana, I told you this weeks ago".

Mom was wrong, she had not in fact told me about this weeks ago, or ever for that matter. This was the first time I had heard anything about it.

My mom and I are very close. So the idea of moving to Kansas City next year is not a happy one for her especially since I've been home and been getting sick. The fact of the matter was I was moving in 5 months and she's now leaving for 3.

I was being abandoned by my Mom, just like I had been abandoned by my friends.

This is what woke me up. I was crying in my sleep about my abandonment that had felt so real, but had only been a dream. I was half asleep still in my bed crying when instantly I was overwhelmed with peace and comfort.

Jesus was holding me. He said "I will never abandon you"

The stuff in my dream, my friends and mom abandoning me didn't really happen. But Jesus holding me did. He's real, and his truth oversees all thoughts and worries.