Abby's Blog

Friday, August 22, 2008


I never know good titles for these anymore. But a lot happened today so I wanted to write about it somewhere other than my faithful red journal.

The day started off not so great when I first got to the briefing room this morning. Dana was sharing that on her way to the prayer room today her and her husband witnessed a motorcyclist try and cut a curb. Well he didn't make it and ended up flipping over the guardrail thereby killing him on impact. The team started talking about the details of the accident. "His motorcycle was red, this all happened over on blue river." The more that was said the more my mind began to think that this very well could have been a friend of mine from FMA last year named Ben. He drives a red motorcycle and if he were headed to the new FMA building he very well could have been on blue river at that specific time, also I believe I have a slight rememberance of him telling me about cutting corners on his bike before. Anyway, this being said I found myself in an absolute disgusting place of unsurity/insecurity. My adrenaline began to rush like right before your body begins preparing itself for major pain, not necessarily physical but sometimes just emotional. It's totally a defense mechanisim I aquired somewhere along the way of dealing with death of friends and/or family. I texted Ben to ask if it were him and the minute and a half waiting for a response was torture. Thank goodness he didn't turn off his phone at that specific time or leave it at home for the day. He texted me back completely safe and probably no where near the acciedent what so ever. My heart truely goes out to the family of this person but I have to say I am so relieved it wasn't Ben or anyone for that matter whom I am friends with. Or just anyone who holds a place in my heart.

The reason I'm so adimently blogging about this event is honestly because of the Lord's hold on my life through these circumstances and how easy it is for adrenaline and fear to consume my emotions. Just being real. I am a firm believer in the Ecclesiastes principles of there is a time and season for all things. As well as the Matthew 5 beatitude of blessed are those who mourn. However in sudden rush where does my mind wander to? Is my hope and trust really in the Lord or am I just really comfortable in saying that it is? Through praying today I felt like if I were completely rooted in God's control over my life I could have risen to a place beyond the fear of losing my friend. Which is sort of ironic actually. :)

Anyway, my point being is that I'm so weak and broken and have so much learning left to do. God is good and I know I love him. That's basically all I have and all I can rely on. So far, so good.

Okay enough of that rambling, I've got some more (less dramatic) exciting news. This past week I started school at a community college here in Kansas City. I've got about a year and a half left in a Surgical Nurse/Surgical Technician program that I've been working on. This semester I am taking Anatomy and Physiology and also Medical Terminology. I love my Anatomy and Phys. class but the Med. Term. is pretty boring so far. :-x It's all Latin and Greek, which is sort of cool, but right now we're in the mundane learning of prefixes, root words, and suffixes.

I'm still working as Tim's administrator/power pointer so I'm having a blast getting to know individuals on the team while he's off doing onething conferences in Asia.

Then as of today I joined a prophecy team! This is pretty exciting because its only a once a week commitment and I feel like the Lord has something in store by doing this. I'm so jazz'd I get to grow in this area of gifting. It's a great opportunity.

Other big news is that our weekly Encountering God Services have moved back into the FSM building instead of the prayer room. This weekend Mike is starting two different series. Friday nights he's talking about the 1st and greatest commandment and Saturday nights he's going through the book of Revelation. If you ever get a chance to watch the services I highly recommend them.

Other than that I've been praying and seeking the Lord in the Psalms and hanging out with a bunch of girl friends these past few weeks. That's all I've got this time. Feel free to keep me posted on what's happening with you! It always helps to know specific details of what to pray for! I'd love to hear from you in a comment or via email:

Thanks for the prayer and support! Love you guys!

Current Reads: 'Desiring God' by John Piper, 'Lady in Waiting' by Debby Jones and Jackie Kendall, and (new! just got in the mail today!) Reflections on the Psalms by C.S. Lewis.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Getting back to that place

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'll sit here wondering about you...

I have no idea what I'm doing. :)
I just know that he warms my heart.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Psalm 8!

Well due to the unfortunate fluid in my lungs I have found it hard to sleep because of coughing. So lucky for you I come bearing pictures. :)

One of my all time favorite Psalms is Psalm 8. So when Dave (current/new/amazing/really fun land lord) said Sarah and I could paint our rooms any way we wanted I decided to do a theme of this Psalm 8:3

When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place—.

Some friends and I had a lot of fun putting the whole thing together. Here's some pics. :) Enjoy.

From Myrtle to Cypress :)

Isaiah 55:13 Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up. These events will bring great honor to the Lord’s name; they will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.”

I've had this verse on my heart for awhile now, contemplating how much it represents this summer. The deepest connection I have found with it is truly there is nothing I want more than for the events of my life to do this one very thing: Bring great honor to the Lord's name and be an everlasting sign of His power and love. There is nothing I want more than to stay completely steady in keeping my life 100% for Him. I don't want to have regret on missing out on one opportunity to bring Him glory. I lose sight of this reality so much. In essence it's losing sight of love. I wonder when I'll finally get it. When I will finally stop having to remind myself that there is absolutely nothing apart from Him and all other things in this life are an overflow of this already established relationship.

This summer I've gone through so much restoration. So many things have been broken off my life and I finally feel completely free and healed of hurt and pain from the past that I completely repressed for so long. I'm free to start fresh. It's the greatest feeling in the world and I feel the Lord guiding my steps once again.

I'm not going back to FMA. My goal is to become staff at IHOP and still be on Tim R.'s team. I'm going to take a few classes at a community college working towards Surgical Technology/Surgical Nurse. I'm about 3 semesters away from finishing that. The classes there are pretty flexible schedule wise so I'm not quite sure what the Lord has in store for me with the rest of my time. I would love to be in the prayer room as much as possible. I maybe will audit an FSM class. Or possibly get a job at a near by hospital. Who knows. I just know I'm in love and I'm free and I want what He wants and ready for whatever comes next.

Last but not least I must apologize to you faithful few who have been tracking my blog. I'm really going to try to start posting more frequently. I have quite a bit of free right now because I am stuck at home with both Bronchitis and Pink eye. Please keep me in your prayers and feel free to comment anything. :)

Love Abby