Abby's Blog

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Reflection and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is definitely my favorite holiday because I use it every year as a day of reflecting on the past year and mapping out the course of the year to come. I'm so happy to be home with my family.

I am excited that it is finally the holidays and that this year is coming to a close. Although while reflecting on what happened this year has been fun I am quite ready to move into a new season with the Lord and relationships in my life.

Last year I had these goals:
1. Totally devote it to God. I don't want to mess around with anything finite for this coming year. If it's not pushing me deeper or glorifying Him I don't want anything to do with it.

This, as expected, was pretty difficult. By the Lord's grace I was really able to pursue Him this year not finding much interest in worldly pleasures, however I do struggle, as I think we all do, with being in moments of weakness and attempting to get temporal satisfaction...

2. No dating in 2008. I don't really date anyway, but the principle behind it stands. I don't want to think about boys, relationships, marriage for this year. It's so distracting and by far the hardest thing to give up.

I was correct in my understanding of my struggle in this area. However I stayed true to my commitment to not date, although it was hard at times when opportunities would appear. But I have gone through so much inner healing within my heart this past year. I feel like the Lord has taken me through seasons of waiting, learning to trust, patience (this is not the same as waiting...), not settling but rather desiring the fullness for all God has in store for me. He's so good to me and I am so completely blessed. I just can't wait for what I know comes next! :)

3. I've been working on getting through the entire bible for a year and a half. I'll for sure be done by January. My goal is to then take my new silver metal bible and have 9 highlighter colors representing the 9 beatitudes. Then go through the entire bible cross referencing to the beatitudes.
My identity is found within the beatitudes because my heart seeks to live a life of joy, it's in my name. I find Him and allow Him to find me within this short 9 step plan to happiness. This is my heart foundation.

Not going to lie... I did not start my intended 2008 goal for cross referencing the Bible to the beatitudes. I got too intrigued in other areas and put it on hold. I have however officially made it through the minor prophets, which were the only books I didn't feel too confident in. Then I also had a great study on the book of Psalms this past summer.

So I suppose the point of this post is to say that what I am most thankful for this Thanksgiving is the opportunity to be around amazing people who push me further and further into the knowledge of God. This year has been challenging spiritually. I feel like a completely new person, a more whole person. The Lord is so good to me.

My heart response really for the coming year is honestly to (by His grace of course) live righteously.

Psalm 119:7 - As I learn your righteous regulations,
I will thank you by living as I should!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Quote of the day

I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born
-Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fiddler on the Roof

"Oh, what a melancholy choice this is,
Wanting home, wanting him,
Closing my heart to every hope but his,
Leaving the home I love.

There where my heart has settled long ago
I must go, I must go.
Who could imagine I'd be wandering so
Far from the home I love?

Yet, there with my love, I'm home."

Totally been into the movie 'Fiddler on the Roof' lately. I love it.

Oh boy...

Learning patience takes to long.

Friday, November 14, 2008

So it begins... :(

This all happened in my home town so it's a little terrifying. Michigan is in a horrible state economically right now. With GM on the verge of bankruptcy and having both proposals for stem cell research and medical use marijuana pass make it a pretty good target for judgement.

"On Sunday morning, amidst worshiping congregants and following unifying prayers that our President-elect be granted wisdom as he prepares to lead our nation through difficult global, social and economic challenges, the Michigan left declared open war on peaceful church goers.

They did it with banners, chants, blasphemy, by storming the pulpit, by vandalizing the church facility, by potentially defiling the building with lewd, public, sex acts and by intentionally forcing physical confrontations with worshipers.

This didn't take place in some dystopian, post modern work of fiction and it didn't take place in San Francisco or Berkley. This was the scene at a Bible believing church in Lansing, Michigan."

By Nick, Section News
Posted on Mon Nov 10, 2008 at 01:33:05 PM EST

Read more:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Footprints In Your Heart

Many people will walk in and out of your life,
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head;
To handle others, use your heart.

Anger is only one letter short of danger.

If someone betrays you once, it is his fault;
If he betrays you twice, it is your fault.

Great minds discuss ideas,
Average minds discuss events,
Small minds discuss people.

He who loses money, loses much;
He who loses a friend, loses much more;
He who loses faith, loses all.

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,
But beautiful old people are works of art.

Learn from the mistakes of others.
You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.

Friends, you and me.
You brought another friend,
And then there were three.

We started our group,
Our circle of friends,
And like that circle -
There is no beginning or end.

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.

That's why it's called the present.*

Eleanor Roosevelt

November 13th

This day is always a hard one for my family. 10 years ago today my little sister Esther passed away from complications of development while in the womb. She lived almost a month from October 17 - November 13, 1998 and today always makes me think of a few things.

1) How having a little sister around today would impact my life. Would I have moved to Kansas City had she lived?

2) How could anyone consider murdering an innocent baby in the womb? I feel my family was robbed of an opportunity to watch my sister grow up. To willingly not just accept, but to choose death is unthinkable to even contemplate. I am horrifyingly disgusted with the fact that people would choose to eliminate the opportunity to see a life mature and grow out of convenience when so many families are broken apart out of the natural causes of death. I am literally sick to my stomach with pain in my heart towards this topic.

3) Would I be a different person if my I got those 6 years of time back with my Mom? During Esther's Ce section the doctors damaged a nerve in her back and she was in chronic pain for the next 6 years, being heavily medicated to contain any sort of composure and often hospitalized.

4) Am I the person I am today because of the frequent life altering circumstances both my family and I endured throughout my life thus far.

It's all just something I like to take time to evaluate each year when this season of remembering comes around. Basically it all comes down to I trust the Lord and His leadership in my life and am so joyful that I am exactly where He has me no matter the circumstances. The joy of the Lord is truly my strength.

Then just quick notes from today:
*Had an interview to become staff officially at IHOP. It went really well. I think I'm in. :)

*Had an interview to become a small group leader for young women in the trials of waiting for the Bridegroom... or possibly the earthly bridegroom. We're calling it "Ladies in Waiting" it's going to be so stinkin' sweet. I'm really jazzed for it.

*Love love love studying Christ and His characteristics.

*Hung out with Abby Whichman (known as 'blog Abby' to my worship team). We had so much fun and laughed so hard. I love this girl so much!!!

*Hannah Root and I went and watched/cheered on the IHOP Basketball league tonight. Favorite team = yellow team (even though they lost by a lot). It was really fun. Hannah, I will remember your quotes always. :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fun screens story and Twitter!

This past Sunday at the 8:30a FCF service Rick Joyner spoke to the IHOP family. We had a new record of 5 people up in the screen/light/media people booth (aka. the bat cave). Becca and Tiffany were being trained, Jessica and I are the usual screen operators for that service and Sarah is our media internship friend who really is just up there every Sunday to make sure we don't cause the lights to explode or let any Australians near the switch board. Long story behind that one. :)

Jessica had attempted during the service to follow Rick with notes but it was no easy task and half way through his sermon we both agreed it was best left alone. Well every week after the sermon we play a slide called 'ministry invitation'... It simply has information on where to go if you have questions about accepting Jesus into your heart or being filled with the Holy Spirit.

I had gotten the slide ready on the Worship computer and then pressed slide show in order to display the ministry invitation. However the 'dashboard' (as I like to call it) was not set on my computer, but rather Jessica's notes computer.

All of a sudden one of the scriptures Rick had referenced appeared on the screen. So during Mike's invitation to those wanting to receive prayer the scripture popped up for all to see. That scripture being:

Luke 12:56 Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time?

There's no composing yourself after instances of screen operating mistakes happen like that. It was pretty funny for sure.

Also, Jessica has introduced me to the wonderful world of twitter. My username is: abbysec
Look me up. :)

Friday, November 07, 2008


Last Monday night I came home from Anatomy and Physiology class to find a barracade of newspaper blocking the doorway to the living room with multiple signs attatched saying "Abby, stay out!" and "Abby, no peeking! This isn't China". Everyone in our household gathered and they told me to rip through the newspaper wall. In the living room was an electric piano!

Dave (my Landlord) felt led by God to get me a piano. I love it and it's incredible. It was an amazing early birthday present! What a blessing. :) It's a Williams Electric piano with midi functions.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

In a fall frenzy

This past weekend was FMA's annual Fall Frenzy. The entire school car pooled to Chipotle for their free 'Buurrritos' and then headed back to the school for worship and games. I tagged along since I've still got a lot of friends still in FMA. It was a good time definitely.

Saturday I listened to Steven Venables message on 'Loving God with all our heart' and am pretty much not the same person I was before hearing it. Praise God for new seasons. I'm hoping to blog more soon! :)