Abby's Blog

Thursday, April 12, 2007


The only arguement against myspace I find worth while is those in which say that it is an increase of immorality through vanity.

Even in the name "my" space.

"Vanity is by far my favorite sin" -Al Pacino in The Devil's Advocate.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Winter Wonderland!

Home right now is like a winter wonder land. Questions are being asked as to whether or not Spring will ever hit Michigan or will the seasons just go straight to Summer like in Monty Python.

In other news, the Mike Bickle onething podcast post has been done for quite some time. Just finding the motivation to post it has been strenuous.

Also Ben Haynes and A.jay Holmgren may possibly become my heros with in the next 24 hours.

This post has been a random one. More good ones to come in the near future. No lies. I'm starting to miss the comments I once received from Lj. I shall probably go back to it for a short time then pic up blogspot again once the move to KC has been made.

Friday, April 06, 2007

The way you show your love.

abbysec (6:59:35 PM): heck yes!
Auto response from musicISlife545 (6:59:35 PM): i guess it would be.... a PACINO party?!
abbysec (7:02:09 PM): yay! <3

Thursday, April 05, 2007


I will no longer be pulling the 'favorites' leverage with my Sunday School class anymore.

Ephesians 6:9 Masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Don’t threaten them; remember, you both have the same Master in heaven, and he has no favorites.

But that's still no excuse for you guys to not update your blog!!!

Random Thoughts

Tonight I watched Fat Albert. It was a very good movie.
Anyway, I went to to look and see who the actors portraying the Cosby kids were. Then decided to check out Al Pacino's imdb site to see if he was coming out with anything good.
I'm super excited for Oceans 13!!!
Then I discovered Al is going to be in a movie based on the life of Salvador Dali.
Whom has a very interesting style of facial hair.
Those of you who do not know who Salvador Dali, he is a man who is best known for his painting of 'persistence of memory' which is better known as 'melting clocks painting'.
This got me thinking of paintings of dark romantics and how cool the persistence of memory painting is. The man is a blatant genius. Simply put he wanted to paint about memory, thought of a way to represent memory - time (or clocks) and painted them melting away. Genius.
I love the work of dark romantics. One of my favorite dark romantic writers is Edgar Allen Poe.
Which of course led me to the thought process of teletubbies. And the flamboyant red creature Po.

prayers are always appreciated. :)

I am indeed infected.
Yet another thing to add to my list of illnesses/health issues.

I am however grateful to God for my health. It could be a lot worse. I could have like 4-5 types of cancer. I am thankful. and of course heavily medicated.

Matthew 20

I have been tripped up on Matthew 20:1-16 It's the story of the vineyard owner and the workers. So I thought I'd tear it apart bit by bit and see if I could get the meaning.

I at first read this scripture and was displeased because I did not understand the meaning. Finally after thinking through, reading a few commentaries, prayer and meditating I concluded some main points. However, I hate how when I go deep into a passage of scripture and I tell someone a revelation that has taken my heart a good 4-5 days to figure out, and their response is "well, yeah, obviously Abby" oh goodness. It has to be revealed to you by God in revelations. We can read the bible a million times over. Know the sermon on the mount like the back of our hand. Know the 10 commandments. However, if we're not convicted by the holy spirit what's the point in knowing the good things to do? Or if we do the good things but are not experiencing the intimacy of God, what keeps us motivated, especially during the hard times? I know a ton of scripture, I know the right way to live before God. I know that I am supposed to be a servant to others. I've known that since first grade Sunday School. But was I living my life in the example of Jesus' servant hood. No! Why? Because I had no real motivation to do it other than that it was a good thing to do. Until reading this passage.

Matthew 20
Parable of the Vineyard Workers
“For the Kingdom of Heaven is like the landowner who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard.

(Wow, okay so the Kingdom of Heaven is like this. That automatically means, this is important stuff, or rather, an important piece of information. God is the land owner.)

2 He agreed to pay the normal daily wage and sent them out to work.

(an agreement of wage was initiated. The land owner promised a payment. God promises us the Kingdom of Heaven if we choose to accept His son and work for Him. Work meaning, servant hood, righteous living, holiness)

3 “At nine o’clock in the morning he was passing through the marketplace and saw some people standing around doing nothing.

(A life lived without God is nothing. It's idle. People just standing around doing nothing.)

4 So he hired them, telling them he would pay them whatever was right at the end of the day.

(Once hired, there was something to do. There is work to be done. And they are then guranteed the promise of salvation by the grace of the landowner aka. God)

5 So they went to work in the vineyard. At noon and again at three o’clock he did the same thing.

6 “At five o’clock that afternoon he was in town again and saw some more people standing around. He asked them, ‘Why haven’t you been working today?’

7 “They replied, ‘Because no one hired us.’

(Without God giving them purpose, something to live for there was no knowledge of the work.)

8 “That evening he told the foreman to call the workers in and pay them, beginning with the last workers first.

9 When those hired at five o’clock were paid, each received a full day’s wage.
God's grace.

10 When those hired first came to get their pay, they assumed they would receive more. But they, too, were paid a day’s wage.

11 When they received their pay, they protested to the owner,

12 ‘Those people worked only one hour, and yet you’ve paid them just as much as you paid us who worked all day in the scorching heat.’

13 “He answered one of them, ‘Friend, I haven’t been unfair! Didn’t you agree to work all day for the usual wage?

14 Take your money and go. I wanted to pay this last worker the same as you.

15 Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be jealous because I am kind to others?’

16 “So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.”

God's promised (through grace) salvation/the kingdom of heaven to all of the workers. A fair payment for their work. But that's all He promised.

This is a parable in direct answer to Peter's question in the previous chapter. "We have given up everything to follow you, what then shall we receive?"

This parable is not only talking about the realities of both Jews and Gentiles receiving the Kingdom, it's also speaking of the fact that God is in debt to no man.

Demetri Martin

A drunk drivers very dangerous, everyone knows that... But so is a drunk back seat driver if he's persuasive.
"Dude make a left"
"Those are trees"
"Trust me"

To me swimming is a confusing sport. Because sometimes you do it for fun. And sometimes you do it to not die.

I like parties, but I don't like pinatas. Because pinatas promotes violence against flamboyant animals.

I was making pancakes the other day and a fly flew into the kitchen.
And that's when I realized that a spatula is a lot like a fly swatter.
And a crushed fly is a lot like a blueberry.
And a roommate is a lot like a fly eater.

I think it's interesting that cologne rhymes with alone.

One time I was riding an escalator and I tripped. I fell down the stairs for an hour and a half.

I think employee of the month is a good example of when a person can be a loser and a winner at the same time.

I was at a party the other night, and I saw a guy wearing a leather jacket. and I thought "that is cool. Like 10 minutes later, I saw a guy wearing a leather vest. and I thought "that is not cool". And that's when I realized cool is all about leather sleeves.

About a month ago I got a cactus. and a week later, it died. And I got really depressed and was like .... I am less nurturing than a desert.

A lot of people don't like bumper stickers. I don't mind bumper stickers. To me a bumper sticker is a short cut. It's like a little sign that says "hey, lets never hang out".

I like fruit baskets. Because a fruit basket enables you to mail someone fruit without appearing insane. If you just mail somebody some apples they're like "what is this?!?" But if you put those apples in a basket they're like "this is nice!"

I like Frisbees. A Frisbee is the only object you can throw at a stranger and hit them and its okay.

I want to make a jigsaw puzzle that's 40,000 pieces and when you finish it, it says "go outside"

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Nights like these!

I hate boring days. The days where you never have anything planned and the day just seems to drift away. Days like today allow my mind to focus on the negetive, which is currently that I have back pain.

However tonight I received a call from Kristina and went to her house to hang out. Gina, Jessica, Doby, T.J, 7, Amanda, and another guy whose name I can't quite remember hung out tonight. It was great. We talked, hung out, played guitar hero. Good times.

Then afterwards I went out to Famous Taco with Sherri. By this point it was midnight but it was so much fun and really cool.

I miss the Florida bunch a ton!
I wish I could have talked to Zach tonight. :-(
I'm excited for them to come home. :)

I hopefully have a doctors appointment tomorrow.


It's snowing in Michigan.


Brrr! Come on! It's April!!! Where's the sunshine?

Then to add to the horridness I've been having pains in my back. Which equals possible kidney infection.

current mood: totally bummed.
current music: Dashboard Confessional.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Dashboard Confessional!

I've been super into Dashboard Confessional (a band) as of lately. They're/He's just so good! Love Love Love it!

I love how he's so real with the lyrics. He brings back the poetry to song writing. It's not straight forward. There's hidden meanings with thought provoking vocabulary.

I hate our society in terms of how were conditioned to turn off our brains.


The things you find online are just ridiculous.