Abby's Blog

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Live from Michigan!

Holy smokes! I miss Kansas City already! My Mom called it. She told me on the phone last Thursday "of course you can come home early, but please don't if you're just going to sit around moping about not being in Kansas City". Haha, I'm not moping. It's rad to see all my favorite Michigan'ers. I just miss the waking up early to head to the prayer room. It was good for me. Being in Michigan has it's ups and downs. So I've made myself a list of pro's and con's.

Pros of MI/being here.
*Hanging with the family.
*Hanging out with good friends.
*Hanging with my cat.
*Refreshing my spirit with some outside IHOP action before starting school.

Cons of being in Michigan.
*I'm here to have surgery!
*No air conditioning.
*I've been forced into a game of Risk.
*Far away from the Prayer Room.
*Missing out on EGS' & FCF services.

Michigan is no longer my home. My heart moved months ago when physically I only moved a few weeks ago. I love my friends here, they make being here great. And my family is the best anyone could ever hope for.

It's just been interesting...

Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm home!

More updates to come at a later time!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Coming home!

I have to have a piece of tissue in my mouth removed so I'll be driving home next Tuesday, have the operation Wednesday and then driving back to Kansas City Sunday after church in time for Tuesdays manditory orientation.


So much for trying to find a job.

:-) Come visit me if you like.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I'm so off today. I commited to reading 5 chapters a day in my Studies in the Sermon on the Mount book for the next couple weeks. Yesterday I read 2...

So today I'm having the hardest time focusing. Worship this morning was great. I just can't seem to get on my game.

Also, today I'm wearing the same shirt as Dwayne Roberts. I haven't decided whether or not I think that's cool.

P.S. I attended the staff meeting yesterday (I'm not staff yet but I like knowing what's going on and Rebekah told me I should go). It was very cool. I'll be attending more.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Woo Hoo! Shopping!

I know I've been off my game these last couple days in the blog world. It's just because I've been insanely busy. Plus I know the only people who read this thing were leaving for camp.

Well Saturday Rebekah took me around the town to all the hot spots in Kansas City. I now know where to find an outlet mall and downtown KC + West port for some great shopping and awesome sights. Including 2 free museums. It's good stuff. They have a bunch of vintage shops.

Then Sunday I read a lot of my Studies on Sermon on the Mount book by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. It's incredible. I highly suggest it.

Today I have to get a bank account and push the job hunt.
Hope all is well.

<3 Abby

Friday, July 20, 2007

Jurassic Park and Recent Revelations!

The homeless ministry last night was really sweet! We went to a park downtown Kansas City called Jurrasic Park. It wasn't very big but we set up chairs and tables then a big tarp for clothing. It was a very good experience. I'll for sure being going back.

We got there at about 6:45p, set up then hung out. I met a lot of cool people who came with the ministry team. For awhile I talked to some of the people. But a majority of the time I hung out with one of the guys we were ministering to named Joseph. Every week he would fill out question sheets on the book of Revelation. Then bring back the sheet and go over it with one of the ministry leaders. So I sat in with that and listened to him. He really liked CSI Miami and musicals, it was way coolio.

I thought I'd share some of the Revelations I've been having! (encouraged by Spring)

1. Abiding in Christ consists of two major realities.
2. God does not need us.
3. Desire for Dove's eyes.
4. Joy
5. Spirit of poverty = bad. God has more in store for His children.
6. Strip away insecurity/uncertainty.

Studies on the Sermon on the mount.
1. Scripture emphasis
2. Grace empowers righteous living
3. Poor in spirit has nothing to do with poverty of money
4. How non-christians are different from christians.
5. Mourning not for situations in occurance.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

This has to be quick cuz my laptop is dying.

But Alex, I had the weirdest dream about you last night. You should call me so I can tell you about it.

Hope all is well.

The homeless ministry is going out tonight and I'm for real going this time.

<3 you cats.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

OneThing Promo Video!

A bunch of the IHOP crew left today for a regional OneThing conference in Atlanta. It's got me pumped for December!

Late nights for long days.

2 nights ago I couldn't get to sleep. I had eaten some candy along with food in preperation for my first IHOP-Tuesday. Well I got to sleep about 12a.

I'm an early morning prayer room girl. I like all sets and there's less people in there at 6am than 6pm. Also I have a theory that Jesus was a morning person.

Anyway I woke up yesterday at 4a to go to the prayer room. So yesterday I went to bed at about 5p. Then woke up this morning again at 4am.

After getting 11 hours of sleep you'd think I'd be well rested and full of energy.
I am not.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Let your yes be yes, your no be no, everything in between is from the evil one.

I'm running on 4 hours of sleep, but its worth it because I had a really good conversation with Sunnie last night after a really long crazy day.

I am still in awe of God as of yesterday. I had about 6 revelations, 2 embarassments and a conviction.

I didn't end up going to work with the homeless yesterday. I was too drained from the prayer room, but they're going again Thursday so I'll probably head do it then.

Morning prayer room sets are the best. nuff said.

Speaking of the Prayer Room, I cancelled my subscription to the webstream today. It has been my life line for the past year and I am greatful for the many purposes it has served me. However I do not have internet at my house, so paying $10 a month to webstream the prayer room in the prayer room, and or occasional coffee shop didn't seem worth it. It's put a stop to a lot of the night time dreams though. I'll miss falling asleep and waking up to intercession.

Hope all you MI cats are doing well. If I ever am on a prayer room set I promise to wear my "my heart belongs to the mitten state" Boink t-shirt.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Sleep deprivation and pictures from home!

Last Thursday (July 12th) a group of friends came over at 6am to see me off to Kansas City. So I thought I'd post some pictures.

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Zach, Spring, Me, Alex, Jake and Sunnie.

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My boys.

Then I know some of you are curious as to where I'm living and what IHOP looks like and what not. I'll have more pictures to come but here's a couple.

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This is my house. It's small and nice and close to the missions base. So I love it. My room mates are really cool too.

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Then here is the mission base. It's like a strip mall pretty much. This is just the outside. I'll try and get more pics for you kids later.

<3 Abby

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I'm finally here! Moved into a house and settled a few streets away from the IHOP mission base. God is good. The house is within a 10 minute walking period. I'm so happy to be here. These last few days have been crazy busy. It will be hard to get a job and give up spending 8+ hours in the prayer room a day. Also the weekends are crazy because there are 4 services. Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night. I went to the Saturday night service and Mike preached on Revelation 17 & 18. Good chapters, scary stuff. It's the longest prophecy in the bible and probably one of the most important because it tells of a huge deceivement through a false religion (aka. Harlot, Woman in Scarlet). This religion will deceive a multitude of people in the church and non-believers.

Then today I went to the evening serive which Mike spoke on abiding on Christ. It was like he was talking right to me. He said a ton of good stuff that I needed to hear.

Update wise, I have 2 room mates named Rebecca and Judith. Judith is from Germany and is a morning person so I have someone to walk with to the prayer room at 5:20a. Then I don't know Rebecca very well because she likes to talk on her cell phone a lot. But she just got a job working with the OneThing regional staff. That is very exciting for her. She's a sweetheart.

Tomorrow I'm out to do some job hunting, and going out to work with homeless people with a group from IHOP. That should be exciting. I'll keep you updated.

Friday, July 13, 2007

I'll see you Sunday! :)