Abby's Blog

Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day!

Today is Leap Day. Tradition holds that a woman may ask a man to marry them on Leap Day. If the man refuses, he owes the woman a kiss, $1.99 (an English pound), and either a new pair of silk gloves or a silk gown. Now’s your chance!

As far as leap day is concerned I had a very good day. Classes went by fast and now I'm on break for the next 2 weeks. Also for my Harp and Bowl class today I got to chorus lead for the first time. It was really insane but I loved it.

My week (which was actually only 5 days) of JPR'ing is now finished and I'm excited to spend as much time as possible in the GPR these next 4 days, then Wednesday Becca, Judith and I are road tripping up to MI-Town (Michigan) for some family and friend time, I can't wait but I confess I will miss this place like crazy.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Let is rain :)

Screen typos are the best because on a few rare occasions you get a worship leader to laugh along with you. That just makes your day better by like 10%

Yesterday for my vocal studio class, Melanie, Chelsea and I interviewed a girl named Caitlyn on Luke Wood's team. It was actually really cool. Then Misty Edwards came and talked to all the vocal majors at FMA last night. My favorite thing she said was that her motto when first getting started singing was "if I flop, I flop".

Haha I love it!

Oh, we all get run over once in our lives.
But one must pick oneself up again
and behave as if it were nothing.
~Henry Ibsen~

Monday, February 25, 2008

Birthdays and Burdens

Today is my Daddy's birthday... And my heart is broken because I didn't call home to wish him a happy one. I love him so much, and I miss him a lot! Like a lot a lot. I really did want to call.

I am just drowning in homework and classes, plus trying to maintain a prayer life and practice as much as possible. But there are really no excuses. I had time. I should have called. It's way too late now... So I feel completely awful and am planning on doing my very best to make it up to him when I am in Michigan next week.

I am ranting because today I felt so burdened by my weakness and brokenness. Which is a direct result (a blessed result) of giving up my preferred time in the GPR and attending JPR sets instead. The reason being because in the JPR I strive intently to pursue God. I notice the time ticking slowly by, where as in the GPR I just sort of get lost in the beauty of the Lord and am most of the time in ecstasy of His presence until I have to go somewhere else. It is good for me to differentiate between the two because I feel like I can get a lot of focused study done in JPR.

In the JPR I set lists in my mind of what reading or journal writing gets done when, and guidelines/time limits to accomplish this. I am forced to keep focus on what I am doing or else my mind wanders and I daydream/fantasize about non-significant things. Side note - I do believe day dreaming is sometimes used by God and sometimes from God, but that is not the type I am speaking of. I am talking about those which you know are from the flesh. I hate these types of day dreams because after finding temporary satisfaction from the infatuation or thought I often times just wait for the 2 hour set to be done, sit there unengaged, or worse, leave.

Today however I did enjoy the sets I attended quite a bit and was able to engage (by God's grace) rather easily. In fact I found it rather next to impossible to not skip the all staff meeting and attend the 4-6p JPR set. However I think that was maybe influenced by other unmentionable reasons.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


The International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri currently has two prayer rooms in operation. The Global prayer room which runs 24/7 and the Justice prayer room which runs 24/5. My schedule has been primarily composed of only attending sets held in the global for the utmost honest reason that I like it better.

Well today while praying in the GPR I felt challenged by the Lord to spend just as much time I would spend in the GPR, in the JPR this week starting tomorrow. With a few slight exceptions.

1) I run screens for the Global prayer room and required to go to those sets because of previous commitment.
2) Tuesdays we are required for school to attend 2 intercession meetings in the GPR.

My heart is conflicted because I love the GPR and leaving for a week is not my idea of fun. I love the familiar faces and the family feeling I have pre-established in the GPR.

But I feel the Lord in this so as for this week (with the exception sets) I'll awkwardly be a new face in the JPR. This should be interesting...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What's on my heart for worship teams.

For my Prophetic Worship at the End of the Age class we were all split up into groups and host a two hour healing ministry set. It's going to be really cool because I'm prayer leading for my team while my good friend James Kufeldt leads worship. Well we decided to have a worship team meeting where we could do some practicing and I volunteered my house. So today James volunteered me to give directions to everyone. So this was my email to them.

Hey all you bright and shining people,

Well since James so graciously volunteered me to email all of you directions, I am. But along with the directions you're going to get a ton of rambling. And you must endure it, because you can't get to the directions until you read all of this nonsense (that's not really nonsense) first. And even though I'm not technically even on your team yet, I have high hopes that you will all love me more by the end of this email. Then I'll get invited to lots of tea parties in the Kingdom, but I will drink juice because I don't like tea much. And I really don't like coffee.

Well tonight we all have the amazing opportunity to party at my house. From the sound of it we are starting at 8p, tomorrow night (Friday, Feb. 21) for the 2 people who are not able to do 6-8p. But in all honesty. The people who can make it at 6p should really just come at 6p. Then we can have some team bonding and I maybe will feed you, or you could bring a snack to share and we can jam out for awhile before having to get serious.

This was actually on my heart the other night, the idea of bonding for our team. I think there is spiritual power that God gives when we are in fellowship with one another. It's probably biblical. Anyway, if you think of any of the really good teams at IHOP the one thing they all have in common is that they're all really good friends with each other.

My point being is that there seems to be a dynamic of relationship in the teams that really flow with the spirit. Because if you're flowing in unity as a people in agreement for the break in of God's authority, I believe the Lord sees the heart cry as something He's more willing to break into. Because if you think about it from His point of view. Are you going to want to break into a set where the people are all good friends to they talk about the set over and over again and give you the glory over and over again. Or a team that just shrugs off a set 3 hours after its over.

I think the secret behind any performance (whether its for God or just jammin' out in front of a bunch of friends) is the relationships dynamically intwining the team/worship band together. And I think we'll see healing break out and a power factor no one can imagine if we emphasis God authority and give Him the glory and strategically work on building relationships up until the point we actually do this thing. And I hope and pray that this is something you strive for in future teams. Because we're all here in FMA getting equipped to be worshipers, so we will more than likely be surrounded by people with the same heart set, and the same longing to glorify God as us for a long time. This really was just a long way to say “Come to my house at 6p and enjoy the fellowship of our team, so our set for class is amazing”.

Just some thoughts. :)

(Then I actually gave directions to my house).

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all
<3 Abby

P.S. I will take any questions after the harp and bowl class tomorrow. Or you can shoot me an email.
P.S.S. I am sorry to all of you who James will volunteer in the future because he sure won't be volunteering me, since this is the result of that.
P.S.S.S. Who is Thomas Quinlan?
P.S.S.S.S. James, I had to get on facebook to get the right spelling of your last name.

Monday, February 18, 2008

CEC withdrawl

Quick update on me. Every Sunday I run screens (over head power point) for IHOP's Forerunner Christian Fellowship worship during the 8:30a service. Then after worship and announcements are over I go to the Children's Equipping Center and help out with the 1-3 year olds. Then I stay for the 10:30a service and actually engage in worship and listen to the sermon. Well yesterday I was totally bummed because I felt like I was coming down with the flu so I couldn't hang out with the kids. It's like my favorite thing to do because I feel so at home with them. Like I don't have to try and be anything. I can just goof around without any expectations. It helps my week go by faster looking forward to these Sundays. Is that strange? I think I should stop ranting now. :-p This was my mourning speal for the week.

Praying through the beatitudes 2. Blessed are those who mourn

Okay, so I know it's really lame that I'm not keeping these together. Maybe someday my organizational skills will be more up to par, for you faithful readers. Although I'm not really sure there are any.

Matthew 5:4 - Blessed are those who mourn
*Father, I am so sorry that I hurt You. Please forgive me for my sins. Help me have Your perspective. Let me return to the way You see me and circumstances surrounding me.

This goes along with our theme of repentance from the previous post. :)

*Help me bridal my tongue.

Another prayer that hits with a blow. Speech is by far the hardest thing to control. I had a conversation with my friend Dayna after she had just completed a 3-day speech fast. She said that essentially once she started speaking again it was easier to not talk at all than to think about what you were saying before saying it. I would not give up the revelation I got from my speech fast last September for anything.

As for what the bible says about speech... :) Here's some good verses to pray through when taming your tongue. I typed out my favorites.

1. Psalm
-19:14 - May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
-139:4 - You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord
-141:3 - Take control of what I say, O Lord, and keep my lips sealed

2. Proverbs
-10:19 - Don't talk too much, for it fosters sin. Be sensible and turn off the flow!
-15:4 - Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.
-15:28 - The godly think before speaking; the wicked spout evil words
-18:20-21 - Words satisfy the soul as food satisfies the stomach; the right words on a person's lips brings satisfaction. 21. Those who love to talk will experience the consequences, for the tongue can kill or nourish life.
-20:15 - Wise speech is rarer and more valuable than gold and rubies
-26:28 - A lying tongue hates its victims, and flatery causes ruin
-29:20 - There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking

3. Ecclesiastes
-6:11 - The more words you speak, the less they mean. So why overdo it?

4. Matthew
-15:18 - But evil words come from an evil heart and defile the person who says them.

5. John 8:26

6. 1 Corinthians 2:13

7. Ephesians 4:29-5:9

8. James
-1:26 - If You claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.

9. 1 Peter 3:10

*Unacceptance of the state of the world.

This is kind of a strange one that I like to pray. I know the Lord knows that I'm not happy about people being killed, abortion, human trafficking, terrorisim, drunkeness, diseases, immorality etc. The list goes on and on. However I love to pray this because it's clearly positioning myself in a status of "God, I want to partner with you and bring unity to the world through Your Son." It reminds me of whose side I'm on. It helps me to feel like I (through partnership with Him) have authority over these things and that impacts my prayer. It allows me to say "Lord, I am not in agreement with the things of the devil and I will not rest until You come back and fix it all." So it also presses me to anticipate His return more and more.

*Bring speedy Justice and Righteous Judgement.

I love this because I used to fear judgement in terms of I looked upon it negetively. Not because of uncertainty of my own salvation, but because judgement is just sort of a scary word. When in all actuality we want judgement. It's a good thing.

*End abortion
*End human trafficking

These are two things the Lord has put on my heart to pray for the abolishment of.

*Break into Africa
*Break into Israel
*Break into America
*Send revival

It's important to pray for places the Lord puts on your heart.

*Unsaved friends

I've got a list of friends I'm always contending for salvation.

*Come back Jesus. Nothing is right til You split the sky.

It's biblical, we are to pray and fast for His return.

*Help me concur these thought.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I am currently reading Bill Johnson's book "The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind". It is an incredible book so far. Anyway, I thought this was a cool/practical little excerpt from it on repentance:

"'Re' means to go back 'Pent' is like the penthouse, the top floor of a building. Repent, then, means to go back to God's perspective on reality. And in that perspective there is a renewal, a reformation that affects our intellect, our emotions and every part of our lives". pg. 44

2 Corinthians!

My favorite book right now (in the Bible) is 2 Corinthians. I must admit that I am probably a little bias towards this book because last September I felt there was some prophetic confirmation within it's chapters. But once again I find myself completely enriched with revelation and knowledge from this book and am strongly favoring it. This will probably only last until tomorrow when I begin reading Galatians. However never the less I have been hit with a few things while reading this through it today.

Paul so obviously understands the value of patience and endurance especially in the midst of suffering. I love his strong emphasis on thankfulness and suffering bringing glory to God because I believe these to be the two core foundation principles of the fasted lifestyle in the near future.

Blessed are those who are not offended. Matthew 11:6

I think the subject of suffering is way overlooked. We don't really have a concept of it in our western mindset and I think it is something we can use to extravagantly give glory to God.

2 Corinth. 4:10 Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.

I'm definitely not saying go out and look for ways to suffer, don't get me wrong. And I know that this is a huge topic that I am not even scratching the surface on. I just know that if I were to begin to endure the things Paul talks about in
2 Corinth. 6:5 - being beaten, jailed, face to face with angry mobs, exhausted, sleepless, without food. I would not be able to say I proved patient through trials.

2 Corinthians 6:4 In everything we do, we show that we are true ministers of God. We patiently endure troubles and hardships and calamities of every kind. 5 We have been beaten, been put in prison, faced angry mobs, worked to exhaustion, endured sleepless nights, and gone without food.

How do I know this? Because I've spent this last week mostly complaining about how long and often classes are. About how much homework/reading assignments and practice time we have. How there is a severe lack of consistent prayer room time in my life/schedule. About how I can't seem to focus my heart on being satisfied in God because I have found some boy to be completely amazing/distracting. Talk about pathetic suffering. :-p

So I pray the Lord puts this truth within me:
2 Corinthians 11:30 If I must boast, I would rather boast about the things that show how weak I am.

Friday, February 08, 2008


1. Full name: Abagail Lane Sincox

2. Birthday: November 28

3. What are you listening to right now: The prayer room webcast Jon Thurlow's set.

4. First thing you notice about a guy/girl: Hair, but eyes are a close second.

5. Last person you talked to on the phone: My Mom

6. Strawberry Blonde with blonde highlights

7. Eye color: Blue

8. Siblings: 1 brother (Tad), 1 sister (Esther)

9. Favorite food: Mac and Cheese

10. What's under your bed: carpet

11. What books are you reading: Bible (currently John), Prince Caspian, Secrets of
the Secret place, When Jesus Returns, Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind, Evidential Power of Beauty.

12. What's on your mouse pad: I don't have a mouse pad. I really want one though.

13. Favorite Board Game: Monopoly

14. Ran screens for Grace Kim, came home and talked to room mates.

15. Favorite Smells: Strawberry stuff!

16. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: no, but I'm not really sure why anyone would want to.

17. What inspires you: God and music.

18. Favorite Flower: carnations

19. Do you play any instruments: yeah I sing a little, play keys a little, guitar a little and I play flute.

20. Favorite place to be: IHOP-KC prayer room.

21. Were you named after anyone: Yes Abigail in the bible! She married king David and was an intercessor. Go figure.

22. Do you wish on stars: no, stars have no power. But I love star gazing. And watching lightening.

23. Which finger is your favorite: pinky, on my right hand

24. When did you last cry: Hmm... good question, probably about a week ago. I got really home sick for my family.

25. Do you like your handwriting: yeah it's alright.

26. Any bad habits: I roll my hands up into my sleeves when I get nervous.

27. Are you trendy? I got a prophetic word once that said I have style. But I'm not really sure that was from the Lord... :-p

28. How do you release anger? cry or something, I don't really get angry, just upset.

29. Where is your second home? MI

30. Do you trust others easily? Yes, it's very easy to gain my trust.

31. Do you have a journal? Yes, I've journaled pretty much everyday for the last 5 years.

32. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? yes, a few times actually. I lost a shoe once.

33. What do you look for in a boy/girl? Good question. Lets see, spirituality, personality, loyalty, dedication. I'm a sucker for a musician. I love eyes, especially blue. Good looks in general are a plus.

34. What are your nicknames? Abby, Abb's

35. Would you ever bungee jump? That'd be pretty sweet

36. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate chip cookie dough.

37. Who do you miss most right now? My parents and friends back in MI.

38. Favorite month? November!

39. Living arrangement? Judith, Jen and I live upstairs then Matt and Ben live in an apartment downstairs.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Ebpm182: I still have to write a paper :-o~~~~~
abbysec: lame. I don't have school this week
abbysec: hehehe
Ebpm182: Do my home work then
abbysec: um no
Ebpm182: um please
Ebpm182: How would you define linear..
Ebpm182: other than like a line
abbysec: 2 lines
Ebpm182: hahaa okay never mind, you can't do my home work
abbysec: bummer