Abby's Blog

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What's on my heart for worship teams.

For my Prophetic Worship at the End of the Age class we were all split up into groups and host a two hour healing ministry set. It's going to be really cool because I'm prayer leading for my team while my good friend James Kufeldt leads worship. Well we decided to have a worship team meeting where we could do some practicing and I volunteered my house. So today James volunteered me to give directions to everyone. So this was my email to them.

Hey all you bright and shining people,

Well since James so graciously volunteered me to email all of you directions, I am. But along with the directions you're going to get a ton of rambling. And you must endure it, because you can't get to the directions until you read all of this nonsense (that's not really nonsense) first. And even though I'm not technically even on your team yet, I have high hopes that you will all love me more by the end of this email. Then I'll get invited to lots of tea parties in the Kingdom, but I will drink juice because I don't like tea much. And I really don't like coffee.

Well tonight we all have the amazing opportunity to party at my house. From the sound of it we are starting at 8p, tomorrow night (Friday, Feb. 21) for the 2 people who are not able to do 6-8p. But in all honesty. The people who can make it at 6p should really just come at 6p. Then we can have some team bonding and I maybe will feed you, or you could bring a snack to share and we can jam out for awhile before having to get serious.

This was actually on my heart the other night, the idea of bonding for our team. I think there is spiritual power that God gives when we are in fellowship with one another. It's probably biblical. Anyway, if you think of any of the really good teams at IHOP the one thing they all have in common is that they're all really good friends with each other.

My point being is that there seems to be a dynamic of relationship in the teams that really flow with the spirit. Because if you're flowing in unity as a people in agreement for the break in of God's authority, I believe the Lord sees the heart cry as something He's more willing to break into. Because if you think about it from His point of view. Are you going to want to break into a set where the people are all good friends to they talk about the set over and over again and give you the glory over and over again. Or a team that just shrugs off a set 3 hours after its over.

I think the secret behind any performance (whether its for God or just jammin' out in front of a bunch of friends) is the relationships dynamically intwining the team/worship band together. And I think we'll see healing break out and a power factor no one can imagine if we emphasis God authority and give Him the glory and strategically work on building relationships up until the point we actually do this thing. And I hope and pray that this is something you strive for in future teams. Because we're all here in FMA getting equipped to be worshipers, so we will more than likely be surrounded by people with the same heart set, and the same longing to glorify God as us for a long time. This really was just a long way to say “Come to my house at 6p and enjoy the fellowship of our team, so our set for class is amazing”.

Just some thoughts. :)

(Then I actually gave directions to my house).

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all
<3 Abby

P.S. I will take any questions after the harp and bowl class tomorrow. Or you can shoot me an email.
P.S.S. I am sorry to all of you who James will volunteer in the future because he sure won't be volunteering me, since this is the result of that.
P.S.S.S. Who is Thomas Quinlan?
P.S.S.S.S. James, I had to get on facebook to get the right spelling of your last name.


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