Abby's Blog

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I'm finally here! Moved into a house and settled a few streets away from the IHOP mission base. God is good. The house is within a 10 minute walking period. I'm so happy to be here. These last few days have been crazy busy. It will be hard to get a job and give up spending 8+ hours in the prayer room a day. Also the weekends are crazy because there are 4 services. Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night. I went to the Saturday night service and Mike preached on Revelation 17 & 18. Good chapters, scary stuff. It's the longest prophecy in the bible and probably one of the most important because it tells of a huge deceivement through a false religion (aka. Harlot, Woman in Scarlet). This religion will deceive a multitude of people in the church and non-believers.

Then today I went to the evening serive which Mike spoke on abiding on Christ. It was like he was talking right to me. He said a ton of good stuff that I needed to hear.

Update wise, I have 2 room mates named Rebecca and Judith. Judith is from Germany and is a morning person so I have someone to walk with to the prayer room at 5:20a. Then I don't know Rebecca very well because she likes to talk on her cell phone a lot. But she just got a job working with the OneThing regional staff. That is very exciting for her. She's a sweetheart.

Tomorrow I'm out to do some job hunting, and going out to work with homeless people with a group from IHOP. That should be exciting. I'll keep you updated.


At Monday, July 16, 2007, Blogger Spring said...

I am glad you are enjoying yourself Abbs!

Pastor Ed taught on humility yesterday and it was amazing. Riverview talked about money and included some sermon on the mount. I have a question in James that I will probably email you about.


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