Abby's Blog

Friday, June 27, 2008

Amazing Song!?!

Tim sang this during a devo. today in the prayer room. I'm not sure if he wrote it or what but it made me smile. :)

"Life is not found in food or drink
Or in the way you do your hair
Not found in what people think
Or in the clothes that you wear
Not found in the place where you live
Or the things that you do
If you want to know life within
Listen and I'll tell you

If you want to do the works of God
Believe in Him from your heart
If you want to know life within
Listen and obey His commandments

Life is not found in who you meet
Or the impressions that you make
It's not found in what they perceive
Whether it's real or it's fake
It's not found in what you can prove
Or in the heads you can turn
If you want to know life within
Listen and I'll tell you

He rewards those who seek Him diligently
He rewards those who believe that He is good"

I'll post again soon! Promise!