Abby's Blog

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sled Abortion

There are 4 major differences between a fetus an a new born baby.
1. Size
2. Level of development
3. Environment
4. Dependency

1. size - a person may argue "how can you believe a little fetus is a person, it can't even fit in the palm of your hand" etc. Well... I simply ask you "Is what you're saying that small people are less human than big people?"

2. Level of development - a person may argue "how can you argue a fetus is a person, they haven't formulated brain cells, there body is being developed, it's not even alive". A 14 year old girl does not yet have a reproductive system... If the way your body naturally developes itself defines whether or not you are human then it'd be okay to go kill people based upon age or natural growth.

3. Environment - this one is the best because people try to argue that the 8.5 inches down the birth canal is what gives you life. But if I get in my car and drive from my house to IHOP. I'm not changing who I am as a person I am changing location.

4. Dependency - babies in the womb are dependent on their mother for food, health, oxygen. So you're less of a person if you're dependent on something right?? Well I could list a handful of my friends who are dependent on medicine to keep their health under control. It gets into the arguement of well are cocaine addicts less of a human because they are dependent on their drug. Or are diabetics less human because they need insulin shots. What about food, water, oxygen. Are we all not dependent on these things for survival?

I am so completely against abortion but how often have I thought about the logical reasons why I am against abortion, not just because God opposes it (which is surely enough no questions asked). However for the sake of debate it is pointless to stand for what you believe in without the explanations that make since to someone opposing you're view.

I was thinking the other day about how abortion could be ended in America. The Supreme Court could argue back and forth and back and forth about whether or not a baby in the womb is truely alive. There is no scientific evidence that is going to come out saying life begins specifically at this point and reverse roe v. wade. However if statistical reports of harm abortions cause to the women having them were to increase by substancial number the Supreme Court would have no choice but to make it illegal.

Monday, January 07, 2008

More pictures!

If you haven't been able to tell yet, I got a digital camera for Christmas and have been taking pictures of anything and everything. Hopefully this will make for more exciting posts in the future.

I had to post this. Michigan gas prices are ridiculous!!!

Olivet Baptist Church. My Church in MI.

My house in MI.

I was so thankful to leave and head back to MO the day after the webstream went down.

I randomly came home to a big picture on the wall of elephants... My room mates are crazy. We gave them all names.

Jen's sister gave her some face mask cleaner for Christmas so we tested it out last night. Pretty scary...

Paul Bear on the bean bag chair. :-p I love it!


This past week I attempted to make some Jell-O! It was a pretty good time because I spilt it all over the stove and totally messed up making shapes.

This side of the stove was really clean because I just cleaned it from the jello overflow.

This is my favorite part. Having a completely clean slate of substance made of sugar and water that has the nutritional value of a sock.

My shapes didn't turn out very well but Jen and I just told people they were states in America. You can kind of see that, right? Some of the stars and moons turned out okay.


Someday I will get back to praying through my Praying through the Beatitudes series.
But I thought I'd post some random pictures for you kids back in Michigan.

Here's Kristian and Spring sleeping in my living room. 5 people from my youth group in Michigan came down for onething! We had a blast!

Here's the famous Olivet Baptist Church trailer. I remember the days when it was actually white.
Sunnie and Kristina waiting for onething to start!
The onething stage
My all access pass allowing me to get back stage to run screens.