Abby's Blog

Friday, November 17, 2006


I really would love to read through the entire bible before starting FMA next fall. The reason I only calculated 6 months is because I tend to meditate on certain things for extended periods of time. I techniqually have 10 months before starting school. I gave myself extra time for going through Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Songs, The Gospels, Revelation, Timothy etc. Just because I know myself and the themes I get caught in.

Here's the plan.

is 1,189 chapters in the bible.
1,189/6 (months from January to June) = approximately 200
200/30 (days in a month) = approximately 6-7 chapters a day. To read and meditate upon.

So here's the deal. I'm working a part time job. Going to school, studying, doing homework, maintaing close friendships, teaching/planning Sunday School, going to church and participating in 3 worship teams.

So in order to succeed in this I plan on not really doing anything else other then the things listed above. I will not be talking on aim, blogging more than once a week on my blog spot. I know I keep in contact with some people through myspace so I will probably schedule in time once a month for an hour or so to get on there and comment back people. Same with livejournal because I like praying for the needs of others and people write about their needs on livejournal. As for posting, or continuously being on these sites that is going to be very rapidly different.

I still will use my email. So if you ever need anything my email is, I use my email a lot for receiving church information/prayer requests/keeping in contact with good friends/getting information from Shawn about financial aid. So I'll be checking it on a daily basis. Basically what I'm getting at is that I won't be hard to contact, but I may be hard to stay connected to.
I will not answer my phone if I'm doing something else. If you happen to call me when I'm driving or when I'm having some down time I'll answer. But if I'm doing something else I will not pick up. There are exceptions of course such as emergencies, family members etc.
This does not apply to my Sunday School class because I feel it is my job to remain available to them.
Also there are there are a few friendships I truely care about (i.e. Alex, Sherri, Jake and A.jay + Sunday School members) that I feel I should keep in close contact with for social purposes and the whole issue of these are my best friends and I would rather continuously build my friendship with them before saying goodbye rather than avoid all contact with them what so ever.

There's bunches I want to get done and I'm just not finding the time with my current life of being on the computer a majority of the time. I need to buckle down more on school and my studies. I want to read a bunch of books. (See list at bottom). I want to be journaling everyday again, I want to practice flute, piano, and voice more. It's not that people or these things are distractions. There is just little time to accomplish the things I want while focusing on aim and internet fun a majority of the time.

So here's Abby. Signing off. At least for now.

Book List.
1. Rewards of Fasting
2. End Times Simplified
3. Passion for Jesus
4. The Book of God
5. Paul
6. Captivating
7. Shine
8. Jesus Freaks
9. Eragon
10. 7 Longings of the Human heart.
11. The 5 love languages.
12. Xenocide
13. John G. Lake Anthology
Then of course the Bible.


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