Abby's Blog

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Genesis 1

16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;

17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

Okay so why was it necessary for there to be a tree of good and evil? If it were never created, that sin would not have happened. I think sin would have still become existent in some other way I suppose and I understand the whole reasoning. Sin allows us free choice/will. Without sin we are just puppets who are doing the bidding of God right? But then again, it's different. How come we're not all like Jesus from the dawn of creation? I know Jesus and God are 2 in the same so it is different in the terms of we are not God's. But couldn't we exist and have free will like Jesus had but have sin not be a striding factor. I think I just turned in circles and confused myself.

So this current theme is existence without sin and why God created the option to sin when we could live in free choice like Jesus had. But then, now that I think of it, not chosing Jesus is a sin, right? That's essentially what blasphamy is. So automatically not having the option to sin eliminates free choice because you immediately have no other option but to turn to Jesus or sin.

Okay then theres the whole: Would it compromise our free will to have known the knowledge about what is right and what is wrong before sin entered the world? Why didn't God create man already having this knowledge? The vast knowledge He has far surpasses that even miniscule idea. So why were we not created with that wisdom. I suppose in a sense we were because Adam and Eve knew it was in their best interest to serve their creator. However they failed to do so.

Let me know your thoughts. Anonymous people who leave me comments now. :)


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