Abby's Blog

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Praying through the beatitudes

My favorite way to start my day is waking up for the 6am intercession set at IHOP and spending some time praying through the beatitudes. I do this daily as much as my schedule/exhaustion allows and have noticed massive transformations within my own heart. So hopefully it comes to some encouragement to you.

The beatitudes is really an 8 step plan to happiness. Jesus begins each by saying 'blessed are you' or 'happy are you' which makes each element something to strive for. We all want joy and happiness. I believe really studying through the beatitudes allows you to set your identity in Christ's feelings toward you.

For the sake of this outline I will not be going into much detail on the prophetic promises Jesus gives for each beatitude.
Matthew 5:3-10


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