Abby's Blog

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today is Thanksgiving! I'm pretty happy to be back in Michigan celebrating with my family. It's been a blast hanging out with friends as well. I gotta admit that I miss IHOP more and more every second. I've been addicted to the prayer room webstream and trying to stay engaged as much as possible. It's hard to sow in when you are not surrounded by the people and the things that push you further.

Today I've been thinking about what I've accomplished this past year. Then sort of setting up ideas of project goals I'd like to accomplish in 2008. I am so thankful to God that I am at IHOP studying to do what He wants. I am so thankful that there are people around me everyday there who press me to go deeper and help me develop my gifts and teach me things I don't know. Like learning an instrument better.

So far I've only come up with 3 main goals for 2008.
1. Totally devote it to God. I don't want to mess around with anything finite for this coming year. If it's not pushing me deeper or glorifying Him I don't want nothing to do with it. Which leads me to:
2. No dating in 2008. I don't really date anyway, but the principle behind it stands. I don't want to think about boys, relationships, marriage for this year. It's so distracting and by far the hardest thing to give up.
3. I've been working on getting through the entire bible for a year and a half. I'll for sure be by January. My goal is to then take my new silver metal bible and have 9 highlighter colors representing the 9 beatitudes. Then go through the entire bible cross referencing to the beatitudes.
My identity is found within the beatitudes because my heart seeks to live a life of joy, it's in my name. I find Him and allow Him to find me within this short 9 step plan to happiness. This is my heart foundation.

My favorite number is 8. So I delight in giving this year 2008 to He who means the most. And matters the most.


At Wednesday, November 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you don't want to date! You always told me that if you weren't married by next year, you would own a house!

At Wednesday, November 28, 2007, Blogger Abby said...

Haha, I will own a house once I start sterilizing instruments. Having a husband has nothing to do with it. :-p


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