Abby's Blog

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Hey, Whoever you are who wrote on my jeep"

This afternoon while leaving the FSM building I discovered a message written on my window. It just said "HEY ABBY!" but I'm dying of curiosity to know who did it. People shouldn't do things like this to me without revealing themselves. :-p I don't handle these things well so it's become this huge mystery that I'll probably loose sleep over. I've eliminated certain possibilities and texted pretty much everyone I think it could be. But no one has come clean. Come on people! Curiosity is killing this cat!!!

On another note Judith (my favorite German ex-roomie) and I went to Chipotle to catch up and talk about how life was before people wrote on my jeep without leaving their name. While we were eating 4 police men walked in probably hungry from stopping all window writing shenanigans. Well as we were leaving Judith and I were highly amused that we were so securely surrounded by their vehicles. I just thought the picture below was highly appropriate... Let's see you try and write on my jeep now!!!


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