Abby's Blog

Friday, March 09, 2007

Passion for Jesus Conference!

I have a very high respect for the preachers that have spoken this past weekend at IHOP's annual Passion for Jesus conference. However, I am human. I do not remember every point and biblical reference. So of course I took notes! But even still! My brain is exhausted at all the examination.

In no way I am undermining the principles these speakers have mentioned in their well prepared sermons. But I'm overwhelmed. These subjects we are hearing in the conference have been meditated and studied for extended periods of time! I'm catching the revelation, just not well handling the massive amount of information. I'm gonna take it down a few notches and state the obvious points to each by standards of what I got out of them. Then of course study, meditate and chew on them for myself.

Mike Bickle says: "If you do not see in the scriptures what is said. If you can't find it in the bible, throw it away. Do not accept it. Do not throw your brain away. Be anchored in the word of God."

So that's my reasoning behind simplifying sermons really. It's so later it is easy to look up the scripture references and discern for myself. For it is my desire to go deep into the Word of God. That's the whole purpose.

1. Mike Bickle - The spiritual violence of John the Baptist
Main Revelation: Live with spiritual violence. Blessed are those who are not offended.
Righteous lifestyle of Fasting, Praying, Meditation on the Scripture.

2. Mike Bickle - Fellowship with the Holy Spirit
Main Revelation: Talk to the Holy Spirit! For the Holy Spirit empowers are emotions.

3. Alan Hood - I never caught the title so I'm naming it - Being passionate for Jesus because the story (the bible) empowers us to do so. This was also the revelation I received. Be anchored in the Word of God. God is the greatest story teller.

4. Break Out session! Corey Russel - Reality of the Knowledge of God
Main Revelation: I do not know God. My idea of who God is does not even come close to who He actually is. We must have revelation! The first step to getting revelation is to realize there is none right now. Jesus did not rebuke the blind for being blind. He rebuked them for not understanding that they were blind.

5. John Bevere - Again, I do not know the title...
Main Revelation: Know and Fulfill the purpose the Lord has for you.

More tomorrow I'm sure. :) Then I'm getting on those podcasts!


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