Abby's Blog

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Flag! Flag! Flag!

"The only difference between a love story movie and a stalker movie is whether the person receiving the attention wants it or not" -Danielle.

Danielle is probably one of my favorite people right now. This past week has been packed full of insane drama and she helped me sort everything out and such. I love IHOP! People there just seem to get it more than everyone else. The sollution is always so clear. Then when I'm there I get it too.

The things I concern myself with now, are not going to matter a year from now. It's so lame to be so distraught over the little things.

Then I got convicted of trying leaps and bounds when I really should taking small steps.

I really just want a do-over. And I know how this story goes. Because it's happened before. But I don't want to repeat the same mistakes. It's hard and it hurts. I've never been 'in' love with anyone. I understand the efforts people make to clear things up and make things right. But I can't be me if I don't know who me is. And until I figure that out things with certain friends seem pretty shattered. All I know is I've never felt more alone.

And I know it sounds depressing but honestly I'm going to make the best of it. This is a season and I'm going to endure it and get through it. It's not about having strength or endurance. I've never been much for sports, just like a daily work out. This is about something so pure and true that it over exceeds all other relationships and other things.
"How you restore my sole, how you make all things new"

Yellow, Aqua Marine with Nikki and Sam (it was the only good part of this weekend), Frequent Flyer Miles, Shark jump.

The ones who know my character know I never meant to hurt anyone or lie or do any back stabbing...


At Monday, March 19, 2007, Blogger Sunnie said...

I deff. wrote in my blog. nothing interesting whatsoever, but at least i remembed my password. =]

At Monday, March 19, 2007, Blogger Will said...

I didn't know that you felt this bad. Payless Shoe Source does a great job repairing soles. I'm sorry that you don;t consider Sunday School, church, or the Omega study as good things that happened this weekend.

At Monday, March 19, 2007, Blogger Abby said...

@ Sunnie - I love you and am so happy you wrote. :)

@ Will - My soul is fine. I was just upset yesterday after fighting with some friends. Blarg, silly drama. Better today. :) Then you know I love church and the omega course. And sometimes I love the sunday school class.

At Tuesday, March 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You rock! Flag Flag Flag! Miss you, Danielle


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